Important dates
Deadline for participant registration
February 1, 2025
Deadline for abstract, article submission
February 1, 2025
Deadline for presentation, poster submission
February1, 2025
Rector's Welcoming Speech
Dear Guests, Colleagues, and Participants!
On behalf of the Kyrgyz State Medical Academy named after I.K. Akhunbaev and myself, I warmly welcome all participants and guests of the International Scientific and Practical Conference "KGMA Science Days – 2025," dedicated to the 117th anniversary of Doctor of Medical Sciences, Professor, and Surgeon Zhyfar Igemberdiev!
Science Days events provide us with the opportunity to showcase and support our researchers, present the latest scientific achievements and inspire the younger generation of scientists. Such events help attract talented young people who have yet to determine their life path to research. And, of course, Science Days of KSMA are always a holiday, a bright, significant event in the life of the academy.
The main goal of the Science Days is to exchange best practices and knowledge in various fields of medicine, and I hope that the main outcome of our scientific forum will be the further development of medical science in Kyrgyzstan, and the proposed recommendations will actually find their application in practice.
We believe that science has enormous power to change the world for the better, and our universities should be places where that power can freely flourish. May these Science Days be fruitful and inspiring for all of us.
Thank you for your participation, and may the Days of Science bring a lot of new knowledge and innovation. Good luck to you all!